Many REALTORS® keep their phones on 24/7 so that they don’t miss out on a lead. However, it’s simply not possible to always be available. Whether you’re busy with a client, 在会议上, 或睡觉, a chatbot can help you still nurture leads.


It’s a software application used to engage with prospects on your website, 在Facebook Messenger上, 或者通过短信. There may be no substitute for live contact, but the quick response from the bot lessens the risk of losing a potential client when you can’t reply.

When prospects enter the chat window, the bot can ask them questions to learn more out about their real estate needs. These questions can direct them to resources available on your website and collect their basic information for your database for future live follow-up. 

For example, the chatbot asks a prospect, “Are you looking to buy or sell property?他回答说:“卖。.” The chatbot then displays an intake form that collects information about his property, 时间轴, and other basic information. A chatbot can also schedule appointments and send out follow-up messages.


Determine where you get the most inquiries. Is it your website, 社交媒体, or your phone? 一旦你选择了一个频道, research the different companies online to find the chatbot application that best meets your real estate business needs and fits your budget.